Better Blessing: Hunger & Thirst for Righteousness


Pastor Josh Weisbrod – February 21, 2021

SUMMARY: When we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we look to be filled from the storehouses of heaven not our own broken cisterns.

KEY SCRIPTURE: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be satisfied.

Matthew 5:6 (Matthew 5:2-12 – The Beatitudes)



1.     God has put eternity into our hearts, and we have an inconsolable longing

·       We try to satisfy that longing with all kinds of things; we are busy but not fulfilled.

·       Isaiah 55:1-3 – Come to me all who are thirsty . . .

·       “Greenitis” – Everywhere you turn the grass is greener somewhere other than where you are right now.

2.     Beatitude structure

·       The Beatitudes are a sermon

·       Poor, mourning, meek  Filled with righteousness  mercy, purity, peacemaking 

persecuted for that righteousness

3.     What is righteousness?

·       Righteousness is showing mercy to others, being pure in heart before God, and is the effort to make peace. (Matthew 5:20-48)

·       Our righteousness should exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees. The Pharisees’ form of righteousness was the Law. Our righteousness is defined by Christ. For example: The law says do not kill, but Jesus says do not be angry against a brother but seek peace. The law says do not commit adultery, but Jesus says do not lust (have a pure heart). The law made a provision for divorce, but Jesus says have mercy. The law says an eye for an eye, but Jesus says turn the other cheek and return good for evil. The law says love your neighbor, but Jesus says love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.

4.     What is hunger?

·       It is natural to hunger, to want, and to desire fulfillment.

·       Hunger is healthy. What we choose to satisfy that hunger will determine our health.

·       Fast food vs. Real food - The flesh cries out for what is easier, quick, and good, but it does not satisfy. Only Jesus can satisfy our soul. (Psalm 63)

·       When we hunger for something better, we receive something better. We receive the kingdom of God and the blessing that comes from his storehouse.

5.     What do you hunger for?

·      Our first hunger is for the Lord, then God blesses, fills, renews, and restores. It is our responsibility to steward well what God has given us. (Matthew 6:31-33)

·       What do you hunger for--the substitution or for the satisfaction that can only come from God?

·       Religion without righteousness is not hungering and thirsting for His righteousness. Do not settle for an unsatisfied substitute life. Allow that longing for God to be satisfied with God.




You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.

- Augustine





Discussion Questions

1.     Is righteousness a character trait that the world admires? Is it a character trait you admire or not? Why or why not?

2.     The Pharisees’ righteousness was based on following the letter of the Law. Our righteousness comes from Christ and is defined by Christ based on Love.


For example:

-The law says do not kill, but Jesus says do not be angry against a brother but seek peace.

-The law says do not commit adultery, but Jesus says do not lust (have a pure heart).

-The law made a provision for divorce, but Jesus says have mercy.

-The law says keep your oaths, but Jesus says be the kind of people who do not need oaths to be deemed truthful.

-The law says an eye for an eye, but Jesus says turn the other cheek and return good for evil.

-The law says love your neighbor, but Jesus says love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you.


Which is easier or more difficult for you to keep, the letter of the law or Christ’s law of love? Does it depend on the situation? Why or why not?

3.     Why do you think people settle for cheap substitutes that ultimately do not satisfy the longing of their hearts, rather than hungering for what does satisfy?

4.     What do you hunger for most in this season of your life right now? Do you truly believe that only God can satisfy that deep longing in your heart? Why or why not?

5.     1600 years ago Augustine said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” The restlessness you experience in your heart is nothing new and has been experienced by every human being since the beginning of time. How does knowing this help you feel both more connected to others who experience the same kind of struggles and at the same time challenge you to find your satisfaction only in God?

Full Podcast Episode: