Better Blessing: Poor In Spirit


Pastor Josh Weisbrod – February 7, 2021

SUMMARY: The blessed life in Christ requires us to be both empty and filled.

KEY SCRIPTURE: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 (Matthew 5:2-12 – The Beatitudes)


1.     We must accurately assess the conditions of our own hearts

·       Luke 15:11-24 – Parable of the Lost Son

·       The prodigal son is a physical example of becoming poor in spirt and receiving the kingdom

·       Recognize our spiritual condition without God: I am a sinner and I cannot earn my way into the kingdom.

2.     We must become poor in spirit so we can be rich in Christ

·       Our response to our heart condition is humility. You cannot be filled with God when you are so full of yourself (pride).

·       The Rich Young Ruler - Matthew 19:24

·       Spiritual poverty empties us to be filled by God who longs to fill us.

3.     God embraces us in our poverty

·       In our moment of spiritual poverty God puts his arms around us in a loving embrace.

·       Luke 15:1-7 – Parable of the Lost Sheep

·       The shepherd leaves the sheep to find the lost one.

4.     The poor in spirit receive the kingdom of heaven

·       Unity with God has always been the created intent.

·       Every one of us, because of Jesus, has been adopted into the royalty of God.

·       We aren’t saved into being a servant or slave of heaven, but as a son and daughter of God, an heir with Christ. Galatians 4:4-7

·       The poor in spirit value pardon, reconciliation, forgiveness, humility, purity.


“If it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change you.”


Discussion Questions

1.     What examples do you see of being “poor in spirit” as a direct contradiction to what the world values?

2.     Is humility a character trait that the world admires? Is it a character trait you admire or not? Why or why not?

3.     How important do you think it is in the life of the Christian to be continually aware of the condition of our hearts? How can we practically do that?

(Leaders: Here are some practical suggestions: reading the Bible, praying, staying in community, spiritual disciplines, being in church. These activities don’t make us poor in spirit, but rather are simply avenues to make ourselves available to God and what He wants to say to us.)

4.     Pastor Josh said, “Our response to our heart condition is humility. You cannot be filled with God when you are so full of yourself (pride).” When you reflect on this, what is something you know that God is encouraging you to empty yourself of? How easy or difficult is that for you? Why?

5.     What would it look like to the world if every Christian walked in humility and was filled with the Spirit?

Full Podcast Episode: